Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome! My name is Mrs.Romero. I am your child's teacher and I am looking forward to a great learningyear. I believe in keeping open communication with you right from the beginningof the school year. I know we can work TOGETHER as a team for the futuresuccess of your child. Please read the following plans and discuss with yourchild the expectations for this wonderful year.
Homework Plan
*Students are to read each day (Monday- Thursday) for a minimum of 30 minutes
andcomplete their Reading Logs. Parents must sign each day.
*Homework needs to be complete, clean, and on time.
*Homework is due every FRIDAY.
Behavior Plan
*Standards: Respect yourself, others, materials, and take responsibility of your
*Supportive Actions: Verbal Reminder, Written Reminder, Student Conference,
andParent Conference
*Recognition: Praise, Raffle, Certificate, and Special Privilege
Ihave read and understand the Homework & Behavior Plan.
Thank you for yourSUPPORT in advance. You will hear from me throughout the school year. Pleasestay in contact as well. I am more than open to comments and questions. You canreach me at (619) 362-3200. Thank you again for your involvement in yourchild's education. I look pleasantly forward to meeting you. Make it a greatday!!!