Testing is an important time to take the academic temperature of students and the school. We take measurements constantly in our classrooms to help our students succeed, and master their schoolwork. The following is a list of the many different testing programs. Follow the links at the bottom to find your child's grade and testing results on standardized tests.
Nationally Mandated Testing
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), grade 4.
State Mandated Testing
* State Testing and Reporting (STAR) includes the California Achievement Test, Sixth Edition(CAT/6) and the California Standards Test(CST) for grades 2-5. These test reading, language, math and spelling skills and writing assessment. The results are used to report the school's Academic Performance Index(API).
*California English Language Development Test (CELDT) The purpose of the CELDT is to identify new students who are English learners, determine their level of English proficiency, and annually assess their progress toward becoming fluent English proficient. The CELDT covers four skill areas: listening, speaking, reading and writing in English. This test monitors the progress of English learners. Grades K-5.
*FITNESSGRAM : Physical Fitness Test for grade 5.
District Mandated Testing
Benchmark Exams Literacy benchmark exams are district-developed, standards-based assessments for students in Grades 1-8. Mathematics benchmark exams are district-developed, standards-based assessments for students in Grades 1-7, and students enrolled in algebra and geometry. These exams assess students' understanding of content taught in each unit of study. Assessment results help determine supports needed to assist students in developing literacy and mathematics skills.
Writing and Reading Assessment Profile (WRAP):Grades K-2 The WRAP is used as a reading screening assessment for students in kindergarten through 2nd grade. It may also be used during the school year to monitor student progress and collect evidence of student growth.
Special Education Testing
Parents may request that a district psychologist and resource specialist evaluate their children for learning disabilities. Requests are to be made to the principal. An Instructional Study Team (IST) will meet with the parent or guardian to determine the appropriateness of the request.
Testing 101
For Parents:TestSMART Toolkit
For Teachers:TestSMART Toolkit
For Students:TestSMART Toolkit.
District Testing Calendar
District Testing Program
Experts on testing